NEO – Ukraine Infosession “Capacity Building in Higher Education – Erasmus+” (01.12.2021, online)

On 1 December 2021, NEO – Ukraine organized Facebook webinar “Capacity Building in Higher Education – Erasmus+”, organised jointly with the EU Delegation to Ukraine, the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Info session was dedicated to the priorities of project preparation in education within Erasmus nearest calls on academic (credit) mobility projects, cooperation between organizations and institutions and Jean Monnet: International mobility, Virtual exchanges, Erasmus Mundus Action, Capacity building in higher education (CBHE) and VET, Alliances for Innovation Centres of Excellence, Partnerships for Cooperation in School Education, VET, Higher and Adult Education.
NEO – Ukraine Coordinator Svitlana SHYTIKOVA presented the new EU Erasmus+ Programme for 2021-2027, new opportunities, features and priorities for international cooperation for HEIS and VET institutions, as well as public and youth organizations. Participants improved knowledge on Erasmus+ database with the participation of Ukrainian organisations, and improved understanding of boosting cooperation, synergies and exchange of good practices.

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